Washington, D. C.   20549

                                    FORM 10-Q


                      OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the period ended March 27, 1994         Commission file number 1-6682

                                HASBRO, INC.
                            (Name of Registrant)
       Rhode Island                                O5-0155090
- ------------------------             ------------------------------------
(State of Incorporation)             (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

1027 Newport Avenue, Pawtucket, Rhode Island  02861
- ---------------------------------------------------
           (Principal Executive Offices)

                               (401) 431-8697

    Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports 
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the 
registrant was required to file such reports) and (2) has been subject to such 
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                             Yes  X  or No
                                 ---       ---

    The number of shares of Common Stock, par value $.50 per share, 
outstanding as of April 29, 1994 was 88,051,294

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                          Consolidated Balance Sheets

                   (Thousands of Dollars Except Share Data)

                                           Mar. 27,   Mar. 28,   Dec. 26,
   Assets                                    1994       1993       1993
                                           --------   --------   --------
Current assets
  Cash and cash equivalents              $  250,262    100,250    186,254
  Marketable securities, at cost which
   approximates market                            -     50,000          -
  Accounts receivable, less allowance
   for doubtful accounts of $53,500,
   $53,900 and $54,200                      449,981    420,057    720,442
    Finished products                       203,757    172,871    183,899
    Work in process                          23,274     21,924     22,486
    Raw materials                            44,288     42,753     43,682
                                          ---------  ---------  ---------
      Total inventories                     271,319    237,548    250,067

  Deferred income taxes                      86,933     77,047     78,413
  Prepaid expenses                           63,571     70,716     65,959
                                          ---------  ---------  ---------
        Total current assets              1,122,066    955,618  1,301,135

Property, plant and equipment, net          282,978    252,521    279,803
                                          ---------  ---------  ---------

Other assets
  Cost in excess of acquired net assets,
   less accumulated amortization of
   $71,768, $56,826 and $68,122             472,367    486,509    475,607
  Other intangibles, less accumulated
   amortization of $89,609, $69,970 and
   $85,290                                  180,839    201,370    185,953
  Other                                      55,100     25,786     50,520
                                          ---------  ---------  ---------
        Total other assets                  708,306    713,665    712,080
                                          ---------  ---------  ---------

        Total assets                     $2,113,350  1,921,804  2,293,018
                                          =========  =========  =========

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                    Consolidated Balance Sheets, Continued

                   (Thousands of Dollars Except Share Data)

                                           Mar. 27,   Mar. 28,   Dec. 26,
   Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity      1994       1993       1993
                                           --------   --------   --------
Current liabilities
  Short-term borrowings                   $  53,091     51,851     62,242
  Current installments of long-term debt      3,230        690      3,236
  Trade payables                            102,050    107,090    170,309
  Accrued liabilities                       293,557    277,980    420,476
  Income taxes                               92,906     85,337     92,051
                                          ---------  ---------  ---------
        Total current liabilities           544,834    522,948    748,314

Long-term debt, excluding current
 installments                               200,479    206,152    200,510
Deferred liabilities                         73,171     70,823     67,511
                                          ---------  ---------  ---------
        Total liabilities                   818,484    799,923  1,016,335
                                          ---------  ---------  ---------
Shareholders' equity
  Preference stock of $2.50 par
   value. Authorized 5,000,000
   shares; none issued                            -          -          -
  Common stock of $.50 par value.
   Authorized 300,000,000 shares; issued
   87,981,176, 87,306,626 and 87,795,251     43,991     43,653     43,898
  Additional paid-in capital                299,064    289,592    296,823
  Retained earnings                         937,227    763,335    920,956
  Cumulative translation adjustments         14,584     25,301     15,006
                                          ---------  ---------  ---------
        Total shareholders' equity        1,294,866  1,121,881  1,276,683
                                          ---------  ---------  ---------

        Total liabilities and
         shareholders' equity            $2,113,350  1,921,804  2,293,018
                                          =========  =========  =========

See accompanying condensed notes to consolidated financial statements.

                        HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                     Consolidated Statements of Earnings

                   (Thousands of Dollars Except Share Data)

                                                      Thirteen Weeks Ended
                                                      Mar. 27,    Mar. 28,
                                                        1994        1993
                                                      --------    --------
Net revenues                                          $489,133     487,036
Cost of sales                                          208,200     208,021
                                                       -------     -------
Gross profit                                           280,933     279,015
                                                       -------     -------
  Amortization                                           8,793       8,659
  Royalties, research and
   development                                          50,320      47,403
  Advertising                                           64,559      67,837
  Selling, distribution and
   administrative                                      110,290     109,559
                                                       -------     -------
    Total expenses                                     233,962     233,458
                                                       -------     -------
Operating profit                                        46,971      45,557
                                                       -------     -------
Nonoperating (income) expense
  Interest expense                                       5,436       4,415
  Other (income), net                                   (1,908)     (1,729)
                                                       -------     -------
    Total nonoperating expense                           3,528       2,686
                                                       -------     -------
Earnings before income taxes and
 cumulative effect of change in
 accounting principles                                  43,443      42,871
Income taxes                                            16,726      16,291
                                                       -------     -------
Net earnings before cumulative
 effect of change in accounting
 principles                                             26,717      26,580
Cumulative effect of change in
 accounting principles                                  (4,282)          -
                                                       -------     -------
Net earnings                                          $ 22,435      26,580
                                                       =======     =======

Per common share
  Net earnings before cumulative
   effect of change in accounting
   principles                                         $    .30         .30
                                                       =======     =======
  Net earnings                                        $    .25         .30
                                                       =======     =======
  Cash dividends declared                             $    .07         .06
                                                       =======     =======

See accompanying condensed notes to consolidated financial statements.

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
            Thirteen Weeks Ended March 27, 1994 and March 28, 1993

                            (Thousands of Dollars)

                                                          1994       1993
                                                          ----       ----
Cash flows from operating activities
  Net earnings                                          $ 22,435     26,580
  Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash
   provided by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization of plant and equipment  16,424     17,845
    Other amortization                                     8,793      8,659
    Deferred income taxes                                (11,023)    (1,079)
  Change in current assets and liabilities (other than
   cash and cash equivalents):
    Decrease in accounts receivable                      268,687    217,639
    (Increase) in inventories                            (21,178)   (15,226)
    (Increase) decrease in prepaid expenses                2,075    (13,015)
    (Decrease) in trade payables and accrued
     liabilities                                        (193,199)  (154,151)
  Other                                                    4,129     (2,124)
                                                         -------    -------
      Net cash provided by operating activities           97,143     85,128
                                                         -------    -------
Cash flows from investing activities
  Additions to property, plant and equipment             (19,590)   (19,376)
  Purchase of marketable securities                            -   (141,411)
  Proceeds from sale of marketable securities                  -     91,689
  Investments and acquisitions, net of cash acquired           -     (4,580)
  Other                                                      198        237
                                                         -------    -------
      Net cash utilized by investing activities          (19,392)   (73,441)
                                                         -------    -------
Cash flows from financing activities
  Net repayment of short-term borrowings                 (10,551)   (22,909)
  Repayment of long-term debt                                (37)   (11,168)
  Stock option and warrant transactions                    2,334      2,179
  Dividends paid                                          (5,271)    (4,363)
                                                         -------    -------
      Net cash utilized by financing activities          (13,525)   (36,261)
                                                         -------    -------
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                     (218)    (1,129)
                                                         -------    -------
      Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents    64,008    (25,703)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year           186,254    125,953
                                                         -------    -------
      Cash and cash equivalents at end of period        $250,262    100,250
                                                         =======    =======
Supplemental information
  Cash paid during the period for:
    Interest                                            $  2,859      4,572
    Income taxes                                        $ 20,893     14,806

See accompanying condensed notes to consolidated financial statements.

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
             Condensed Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                            (Thousands of Dollars)

(1)	In the opinion of management and subject to year-end audit, the 
accompanying unaudited interim financial statements contain all adjustments 
(consisting of only normal recurring accruals) necessary to present fairly the 
financial position of the Company as of March 27, 1994 and March 28, 1993, and 
the results of operations and cash flows for the periods then ended.

	The results of operations for the thirteen week period ended March 27, 
1994, are not necessarily indicative of results to be expected for the full 

(2)	The Company has several plans covering certain groups of employees 
which may provide benefits to such employees following their period of active 
employment but prior to their retirement. These plans include certain 
severance plans which provide benefits to employees involuntarily terminated 
and certain plans which continue the Company's health and life insurance 
contribution for employees who have left the Company's employ under terms of 
its long-term disability plan.

	The Company adopted the provisions of Statement of Financial 
Accounting Standards No. 112, Employers' Accounting for Postemployment 
Benefits (SFAS 112) as of the beginning of the current fiscal year. SFAS 112 
requires that the cost of certain postemployment benefits be accrued over the 
employee service period, which is a change from the Company's prior practice 
of recording such benefits when incurred. The effect of initially applying 
SFAS 112, net of a deferred tax benefit of $2,513, has been reported as the 
cumulative effect of a change in accounting principles, negatively impacting 
the Company's first quarter 1994 earnings by $4,282. The adoption of SFAS 112 
is not expected to have a future significant effect on either the Company's 
earnings or its financial condition.

(3)	Earnings per common share are based on the weighted average number of 
shares of common stock and dilutive common stock equivalents outstanding 
during each period. Common stock equivalents include stock options and 
warrants for the period prior to their exercise. Under the treasury stock 
method, the unexercised options and warrants were assumed to be exercised at 
the beginning of the period or at issuance, if later. The assumed proceeds 
were then used to purchase common stock at the average market price during the 

	For each of the reported periods the difference between primary and 
fully diluted earnings per share was not significant.

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
              Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                      Condition and Results of Operations

                            (Thousands of dollars)

- ------------
Net revenues for the quarter ended March 27, 1994 were $489,133, compared to 
the $487,036 reported in the first quarter of 1993. Internationally, the 
Company had a successful quarter, experiencing revenue growth in virtually all 
countries. International revenues increased by approximately 15% over those of 
the first quarter of 1993 and absent the effect of the strengthened U.S. 
dollar increased in excess of 20%. Particularly noteworthy this quarter were 
the Netherlands and the U.K., up more than 50% and 30%, respectively, from 
first quarter 1993 levels. Domestically, the Company's customers reported 
increased consumer purchases of many of its products in comparison to 1993. 
The ongoing efforts of the those customers to minimize their inventory levels, 
however, adversely affected the volume of replacement orders. Within the 
promotional toy group, Kenner had a successful quarter essentially matching 
their 1993 revenues, which had increased more than 80% from the prior year. In 
the games area, Milton Bradley exceeded its 1993 volume, while Parker 
Brothers, also feeling the effect of a comparison against a strong 1993 first 
quarter, fell short. The infant and preschool group, while continuing to face 
significant competition in its market, was marginally above the comparable 
1993 level.

- -------------
The gross profit margin, expressed as a percentage of net revenues, improved 
slightly to 57.4% from the 1993 level of 57.3%.

- --------
Royalties, research and development expenses, although increasing in both 
dollars and as a percentage of revenues compared to the first quarter of 1993, 
approximates the full year 1993 rate. The increase over the comparable period 
in 1993 is attributable to both royalties, where the Company has experienced 
greater sales, particularly within the international group, of products 
carrying relatively high royalty rates, and expanded product development 
efforts domestically. 

As a percentage of net revenues, advertising expense has decreased to 13.2% 
from 13.9% a year ago. This decrease is the composite of an increase 
internationally and a decrease domestically. Internationally, the Company's 
continuing efforts to establish certain brands is the primary cause of the 
increase, while domestically the decrease results primarily from a planned 
reduction in certain promotional toy advertising.

Selling, distribution and administrative expenses for the quarter remained 
constant at the 1993 level of 22.5% of net revenues.

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
              Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
               Condition and Results of Operations, Continued

                            (Thousands of dollars)

- -----------------------------
The increase of approximately $1,000 in interest expense during the first 
quarter of 1994 is attributable to a combination of factors including an 
increase in average borrowing requirements during the quarter and the 1993 
early redemption of a portion of the Company's long-term debt.

- ------------
Income tax expense, as a percentage of pretax earnings, was 38.5% for the 
first quarter of 1994, an increase from the 38.0% for the same period in 1993. 
This increase was primarily the result of the U.S. federal tax rate which 
increased from 34% to 35% during 1993.

- ----------------------------------------------------
At the beginning of the quarter, the Company adopted Statement of Financial 
Accounting Standards No. 112, Employers' Accounting for Postemployment 
Benefits (SFAS 112). SFAS 112 requires that the cost of certain postemployment 
benefits be accrued over the employee service period, which is a change from 
the Company's prior practice of recording such benefits when incurred. The 
recognition of the Company's obligation relating to prior service, net of a 
deferred tax benifit of $2,513, (the cumulative effect of the change in 
accounting principles) reduced net earnings by $4,282. Additionally, this 
recognition required the recording of a long-term liability approximating 
$6,000 and a long-term deferred tax asset approximating $2,000. The adoption 
of SFAS 112 is not expected to have a future significant effect on either the 
Company's earnings or its financial condition.

- -----------------
The business of the Company is characterized by customer order patterns which 
vary from year to year largely because of differences in the degree of 
consumer acceptance of a product line, product availability, marketing 
strategies and inventory levels of retailers and differences in overall 
economic conditions. Also, more retailers are using quick response inventory 
management practices which results in fewer orders being placed in advance of 
shipment and more orders, when placed, for immediate delivery. As a result, 
comparisons of unshipped orders on any date in a given year with those at the 
same date in a prior year are not necessarily indicative of sales for the 
entire year. In addition, it is a general industry practice that orders are 
subject to amendment or cancellation by customers prior to shipment. The 
Company's unshipped orders were approximately $350,000 at April 24, 1994 
compared to $575,000 at April 25, 1993. During the past several years the 
Company has experienced a gradual shift in its revenue pattern wherein the 
second half of the year has grown in significance to its overall business and 
within that half the fourth quarter has become more prominent. The Company 
expects that this trend will continue.

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
              Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
               Condition and Results of Operations, Continued

                            (Thousands of dollars)

- -------------------------------
Several of the major balance sheet categories, including cash and cash 
equivalents, marketable securities, accounts receivable, inventories and 
short-term borrowings, fluctuate significantly from quarter to quarter. This 
reflects the seasonality of the Company's business coupled with certain 
customer incentives, mainly in the form of extended payment terms. Generally, 
accounts receivable, inventories and short-term debt are lower at the end of 
December or March than at the end of the other quarters while cash and related 
amounts are higher. As a result, management believes that a comparison to the 
comparable period in the prior year is generally more meaningful than a 
comparison to the prior year-end.

Cash and cash equivalents at $250,262 were approximately $100,000 higher than 
the aggregate of it and marketable securities at the same time in 1993. This 
increase is reflective of the cash generated during the prior twelve months 
and will be used for working capital requirements as the year progresses. 
Receivables, at $449,981, were above their comparable 1993 level due to a 
combination of factors including the mix of first quarter sales with a greater 
percentage being made to customers with extended payment terms. Inventories 
increased approximately $34,000, largely due to the lower volume of domestic 
sales during the first quarter and the Company's continuing efforts to have 
product available for immediate delivery to its customers.

Short-term borrowings at $53,091 were approximately the same as in 1993. While 
the Company attempts to keep its borrowings at the lowest level possible, 
especially when it has excess cash, the cash available and the borrowing 
required may be in different countries and currencies and may make it 
impractical to substitute one for the other. Other current liabilities 
increased approximately $20,500 from those of a year ago, primarily due to 
timing differences on payments.

As part of the traditional marketing strategies of the toy industry, many 
sales made early in the year are not due for payment until the fourth quarter, 
thus making it necessary for the Company to borrow significant amounts pending 
collection of these receivables. Currently, the Company has available 
committed unsecured lines of credit totaling approximately $450,000. It also 
has available uncommitted lines exceeding $850,000. The Company believes that 
these amounts are adequate for its needs. Of these available lines, at March 
27, 1994, approximately $65,000 was in use.

- ------------------
On April 1, 1994, the Company amended its existing revolving credit agreement. 
The amendment decreases the available amount to $440,000, extends the maturity 
of the agreement to May 31, 1997, removes certain compliance requirements and 
reduces the commitment rate and margin, making the facility more economical 
for the Company.

PART II.  Other Information

Item 1.   Legal Proceedings.


Item 2.   Changes in Securities.


Item 3.   Defaults Upon Senior Securities.


Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.


Item 5.   Other Information.


Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

           (a)  Exhibits.

             4    Amendment No. 1 to Revolving Credit Agreement, dated
                  as of April 1, 1994, among the Company, certain banks
                  (the "Banks") and The First National Bank of Boston,
                  as agent for the Banks.

            11    Computation of Earnings Per Common Share - Thirteen
                  Weeks Ended March 27, 1994 and March,28,1993.

            12    Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges -
                  Thirteen Weeks Ended March 27, 1994.

           (b)  Reports on Form 8-K

            A current Report on Form 8-K dated April 13, 1994 was filed
            by the Company and included the Press Release dated April
            13, 1994 announcing the Company's results for the current
            quarter. Consolidated Statements of Earnings (without notes)
            for the quarters ended March 27, 1994 and March 28, 1993 and
            Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheets (without notes) as of
            said dates were also filed.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the 
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                    HASBRO, INC.

Date: May 11, 1994                           By:  /s/ John T. O'Neill
                                                     John T. O'Neill
                                             Executive Vice President and
                                             Chief Financial Officer
                                             (Duly Authorized Officer and
                                             Principal Financial Officer)

                        HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                        Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
                     For the Period Ended March 27, 1994

                                Exhibit Index

  No.                            Exhibits
- -------                          --------

   4          Amendment No. 1 to Revolving Credit Agreement

  11          Statement re computation of per share earnings -
               thirteen weeks

  12          Statement re computation of ratios

                                                     EXHIBIT 4  

                          AMENDMENT NO. 1

	This Amendment (the "Amendment"), dated as of April 1, 1994, 
among Hasbro, Inc., a Rhode Island corporation (the "Borrower") 
and The First National Bank of Boston, The Bank of Nova Scotia, 
Citibank, N.A., Fleet National Bank, Continental Bank, N.A., 
Mellon Bank, N.A., Union Bank of Switzerland, Credit Lyonnais New 
York Branch, and The Toronto Dominion Bank (collectively, the 
"Banks") and The First National Bank of Boston, as agent for the 
Banks (the "Agent"), amends the Revolving Credit Agreement dated 
as of June 22, 1992, among the Borrower, the Banks and the Agent 
(as so amended and as may be further amended and in effect from 
time to time, the "Credit Agreement").  Capitalized terms used 
herein unless otherwise defined shall have the meanings set forth 
in the Credit Agreement.

	WHEREAS, the Borrower has requested that the Banks and the 
Agent make certain amendments to the Credit Agreement and the 
Banks and the Agent are agreeable thereto upon the terms and 
conditions described herein; and

	WHEREAS, Credit Lyonnais New York Branch and The Toronto 
Dominion Bank (collectively, the "Declining Banks") have 
determined that they do not wish to extend the Maturity Date and 
agree to the requested amendments to the Credit Agreement, and the 
Declining Banks wish to terminate their Commitments under the 
Credit Agreement and to have all obligations owing to them repaid 
in full;

	NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises, 
the parties hereby agree as follows:

	1.	DEFINITIONS.  Section 1 of the Credit Agreement is 
hereby amended as follows:

	1.1.COMMITMENT FEE RATE.  The following new definition shall 
be inserted immediately after the definition of "Commitment":

"COMMITMENT FEE RATE.  (a) With respect to the Revolving 
Credit Commitment Fee, effective April 1, 1994, the 
applicable annual percentage rate set forth in the table 
below opposite the Debt Ratings with respect to Long Term 
Senior Debt of the Company then in effect, subject to the 
provisions set forth in clauses (i) through (iv) of the 
definition of "Margin":

                                   APPLICABLE COMMITTMENT
          DEBT RATING                      FEE RATE
          -----------              ----------------------
  Standard &
    Poor's            Moody's
  --------            -------
A- or better          A3 or better          0.125%
BBB+                  Baa1                  0.15%
BBB                   Baa2                  0.1875%
BBB- or below         Baa3 or below         0.225%

(b)  The Commitment Fee Rate will be subject to the 
provisions relating to Successor Rating Agency and changes in 
rating terminology by Standard & Poor's or Moody's as 
provided in the definitions of Debt Rating and Margin.

	1.2.FINAL MATURITY DATE.  The definition of Final Maturity 
Date shall be amended by substituting the date "May 31, 1997" for 
the date "May 31, 1996" appearing therein.

	1.3.MARGIN.   The definition of Margin shall be amended (a) 
by substituting the following table for the table appearing 

              "DEBT RATING                APPLICABLE MARGIN
               -----------                -----------------
                               Base                    CD
Standard &                     Rate      Eurocurrency  Rate
Poor's         Moody's         Amounts   Rate Amounts  Amounts
- ----------     -------         -------   ------------  -------
AA- or better  Aa3 or better   0%        0.30%         0.425%
A or better    A2 or better    0%        0.325%        0.45%
A-             A3              0%        0.35%         0.475%
BBB+           Baa1            0%        0.35%         0.475%
BBB            Baa2            0%        0.41%         0.535%
BBB-           Baa3            0%        0.50%         0.625%
Below BBB-     Below Baa3      The applicable Margins for Debt
                               Ratings of BBB-/Baa3 subject to
                               clause (vii) below"

	(b)	by deleting the text of clause (v) thereof and 
substituting therefor the following: "notwithstanding the 
foregoing, at all times that the outstanding principal amount 
of the Loans exceeds $250,000,000 and the Debt Ratings with 
respect to Long Term Senior Debt of the Company are BBB+/Baa1 
or below, the applicable margins  with respect to 
Eurocurrency Rate Amounts and CD Rate Amounts will increase 
by 0.125%.

	(c)	by deleting the text of clause (vi) thereof and 
substituting therefor the phrase "intentionally omitted".

	1.4.	DELETION OF CERTAIN DEFINITIONS.	The definitions of 
"Consolidated Current Assets", Consolidated Current Liabilities", 
"Consolidated Working Capital", and "Qualifying Debt to 
Capitalization Ratio" shall be deleted in their entirety.

	2.	COMMITMENT TO LEND.  Section 2.1(c) of the Credit 
Agreement is hereby amended by deleting the table in said Section 
2.1(c) and substituting therefor the following:

                            Amount of       Commitment
Bank                        Commitment      Percentage
- ----                        ----------      ----------
FNBB                        $100,000,000     22.7272728%
The Bank of Nova Scotia     $ 60,000,000     13.6363636%
Citibank, N.A.              $ 60,000,000     13.6363636%
Fleet National Bank         $ 60,000,000     13.6363636%
Mellon Bank, N.A.           $ 60,000,000     13.6363636%
Continental Bank, N.A.      $ 50,000,000     11.3636364%
Union Bank of Switzerland   $ 50,000,000     11.3636364%
                            ------------    -----------
                            $440,000,000    100%

	3.	REVOLVING CREDIT COMMITMENT FEE.  Section 2.9(a) of the 
Credit Agreement is hereby amended by substituting the following 
for the first sentence of said Section 2.9(a):

"The Company agrees to pay to the Agent for the accounts of 
the Banks in accordance with their respective Commitment 
Percentages a revolving credit commitment fee ("Revolving 
Credit Commitment Fee") determined on a quarterly basis, with 
respect to the period from the Closing Date to the Final 
Maturity Date (or to the date of termination in full of the 
Commitments if earlier) at the annual rate equal to the 
Commitment Fee Rate from time to time in effect, calculated 
on the average daily unutilized portion of the Revolving 
Credit Commitment."

Section 7.5(c) is hereby amended by deleting the phrase "and 
evidencing the Qualifying Debt to Capitalization Ratio, if any, 
for the applicable period" in said Section 7.5(c).

	5.	FISCAL YEAR.  Section 7.15 of the Credit Agreement is 
hereby amended by inserting the following phrase immediately after 
"(b)" in the fifth line thereof, "in the case of a change in 
fiscal year where the new fiscal year end is not within 45 days of 
the fiscal year end specified in the first sentence of this 

	6.	CONSOLIDATED WORKING CAPITAL.  Section 8.5 is hereby 
deleted in its entirety and the phrase "intentionally omitted" is 
substituted therefor.

	7.	TERMINATION OF COMMITMENTS.  The Commitments of each of 
The Toronto Dominion Bank and Credit Lyonnais New York Branch (the 
"Declining Banks") is hereby terminated, and from and after the 
effectiveness of this Amendment the Declining Banks shall not have 
any obligations under or in respect of, or be parties to, the 

Credit Agreement or any other Loan Documents, and all references 
to the Banks in the Loan Documents shall be deemed not to refer to 
the Declining Banks.  The Banks, the Borrower and the Agent all 
consent and agree to the termination of the Commitments of the 
Declining Banks, and to continuing the credit under the Credit 
Agreement with a reduced Total Commitment as provided in Section 
2.1(b) of the Credit Agreement.  The Banks and the Agent 
acknowledge and agree that payments shall be made to the Declining 
Banks to satisfy all outstanding obligations of the Borrower to 
the Declining Banks under the Credit Agreement, including 
principal, interest and fees, and that such payments shall not be 
shared pro rata with the Remaining Banks; provided, however, that 
no such payment shall discharge the liability of the Borrower with 
respect to any of its obligations to any Declining Bank which are 
expressly stated to survive the termination of the Credit 

	8.	CONDITIONS TO EFFECTIVENESS.  The effectiveness of this 
Amendment No. 1 shall be conditioned upon the satisfaction of the 
following conditions precedent:

	8.1.	DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS.  (a) The Borrower shall have 
delivered to the Agent, contemporaneously with the execution 
hereof, the following, in form and substance satisfactory to the 

	(i)	this Amendment signed by the Borrower;

	(ii)	certified copies of the resolutions of the Borrower 
approving this Amendment No. 1 and the other documents referred to 
herein together with Officer's Certificates as to the incumbency 
and true signatures of officers; and

	(iii)	Officer's Certificates of the Borrower certifying as to 
the legal existence, good standing, and qualification to do 
business of the Borrower.

	(b)	each Bank shall have delivered to the Agent this 
Amendment, signed by such Bank.

	8.2.	LEGALITY OF TRANSACTION.  No change in applicable law 
shall have occurred as a consequence of which it shall have become 
and continue to be unlawful on the date this Amendment is to 
become effective (a) for the Agent or any Bank to perform any of 
its obligations under any of the Loan Documents or (b) for the 
Borrower to perform any of its agreements or obligations under any 
of the Loan Documents.

	8.3.	PERFORMANCE.  The Borrower shall have duly and properly 
performed, complied with and observed in all material respects its 
covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Loan 
Documents required to be performed, complied with or observed by 
it on or prior to the date this Amendment is to become effective.  
No event shall have occurred on or prior to the date this 
Amendment is to become effective and be continuing, and no 
condition shall exist on the date this Amendment is to become 
effective which constitutes a Default or Event of Default under 
any of the Loan Documents.

	8.4.	ASSIGNMENTS AND ACCEPTANCES.  (i) The Toronto Dominion 
Bank ("TD") shall have assigned and sold to each of Mellon Bank, 
N.A. and Union Bank of Switzerland a portion of its Commitment in 
the amount of $10,000,000, and Mellon Bank, N.A. and Union Bank of 
Switzerland shall have assumed and accepted from TD, such portion 
of TD's interests, rights and obligations under the Credit 
Agreement pursuant to Assignments and Acceptances in form 
satisfactory to the parties thereto, the Borrower and the Agent, 
(ii) each such Assignment and Acceptance shall be in full force 
and effect, (iii) TD shall have delivered its Note to the Borrower 
for cancellation, (iv) the Borrower shall have issued to each of 
Mellon Bank, N.A. and Union Bank of Switzerland a Note in 
accordance with the terms of the Assignment and Acceptance to 
which such Bank is a party.

	8.5.	PROCEEDINGS AND DOCUMENTS.  All corporate, governmental 
and other proceedings in connection with the transactions 
contemplated by this Amendment and all instruments and documents 
incidental thereto shall be in the form and substance reasonably 
satisfactory to the Agent and the Agent shall have received all 
such counterpart originals or certified or other copies of all 
such instruments and documents as the Agent shall have reasonably 

represents and warrants to the Banks as follows:

	(a)	The representations and warranties of the Borrower 
contained in the Credit Agreement, as amended hereby, were true 
and correct in all material respects when made and continue to be 
true and correct in all material respects on the date hereof, 
except that the financial statements referred to therein shall be 
the financial statements of the Borrower most recently delivered 
to the Agent, and except as such representations and warranties 
are affected by the transactions contemplated hereby;

	(b)	The execution, delivery and performance by the Borrower 
of this Amendment and the consummation of the transactions 
contemplated hereby; (i) are within the corporate powers of the 
Borrower and have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate 
action on the part of the Borrower, (ii) do not require any 
approval, consent of, or filing with, any governmental agency or 
authority, or any other person, association or entity, which bears 
on the validity of this Amendment and which is required by law or 
the regulation or rule of any agency or authority, or other 
person, association or entity, (iii) do not violate any provisions 
of any order, writ, judgment, injunction, decree, determination or 
award presently in effect in which the Borrower is named, or any 
provision of the charter documents or by-laws of the Borrower, 
(iv) do not result in any breach of or constitute a default under 
any agreement or instrument to which the Borrower is a party or to 
which it or any of its properties are bound, including without 
limitation any indenture, loan or credit agreement, lease, debt 
instrument or mortgage, except for such breaches and defaults 

which would not have a material adverse effect on the Borrower and 
its subsidiaries taken as a whole, and (v) do not result in or 
require the creation or imposition of any mortgage, deed of trust, 
pledge or encumbrance of any nature upon any of the assets or 
properties of the Borrower; and

	(c)	This Amendment, the Credit Agreement as amended hereby, 
and the other Loan Documents constitute the legal, valid and 
binding obligations of the Borrower, enforceable against the 
Borrower in accordance with their respective terms, provided that 
(i) enforcement may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, 
insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or similar laws of general 
application affecting the rights and remedies of creditors, and 
(ii) enforcement may be subject to general principles of equity, 
and the availability of the remedies of specific performance and 
injunctive relief may be subject to the discretion of the court 
before which any proceeding for such remedies may be brought.

	10.	NO OTHER AMENDMENTS.  Except as expressly provided in 
this Amendment, all of the terms and conditions of the Credit 
Agreement, the Notes and the other Loan Documents shall remain in 
full force and effect.  

	11.	EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS.  This Amendment may be 
executed in any number of counterparts and by each party on a 
separate counterpart, each of which when so executed and delivered 
shall be an original, but all of which together shall constitute 
one instrument.  In proving this Amendment, it shall not be 
necessary to produce or account for more than one such counterpart 
signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought.

	12.	EFFECTIVE DATE.  Subject to the satisfaction of the 
conditions precedent set forth in 8 hereof, this Amendment shall 
be deemed to be effective as of the date hereof.

	IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Borrower, the Banks and the Agent 
have duly executed this Amendment as of the date first above 

						HASBRO, INC.

						By:\s\ John T. O'Neill
							Title: Executive Vice
							       President and Chief 
							       Financial Officer

						  BOSTON, individually and
						  as Agent

						By:\s\ Carol A. Lovell
							Title: Director


						By:\s\ Terry M. Pitcher
							Title: Vice President

						CITIBANK, N.A.

						By:\s\ Robert Spence
							Title: Vice President


						By:\s\ Kathleen A Fitzgerald
							Title: Vice President


						By:\s\ David Noda
							Title: Vice President


						By:\s\ Diane P. Durnin
							Title: Vice President


						By:\s\ Paul R. Morrisson
							Title: Assistant Vice

						By:\s\ Dieter Hoeppli
							Title: Assistant Vice


						By:\s\ Robert Ivosevich
							Title: Senior Vice


						By:\s\ Jano Mott
							Title: Manager, Credit



                                                               EXHIBIT 11

                        HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                   Computation of Earnings Per Common Share
            Thirteen Weeks Ended March 27, 1994 and March 28, 1993

            (Thousands of Dollars and Shares Except Per Share Data)

                                         1994                  1993       
                                   -----------------    -----------------
                                              Fully                Fully
                                   Primary   Diluted    Primary   Diluted
                                   -------   -------    -------   -------

Net earnings before cumulative
 effect of change in accounting
 principles                        $26,717    26,717     26,580    26,580
Interest and amortization on 6%
 convertible notes, net of taxes         -     1,441          -     1,464
                                    ------    ------     ------    ------
Net earnings before cumulative
 effect of change in accounting
 principles applicable to common
 shares                             26,717    28,158     26,580    28,044
Cumulative effect of change in
 accounting principles              (4,282)   (4,282)         -         -
                                    ------    ------     ------    ------
Net earnings applicable to
     common shares                 $22,435    23,876     26,580    28,044
                                    ======    ======     ======    ======

Weighted average number of shares
  Outstanding at beginning of
   period                           87,795    87,795     87,176    87,176
  Actual exercise of stock
   options and warrants                 86        86         92        92
  Assumed exercise of stock
   options and warrants              2,219     2,276      2,371     2,371
  Assumed conversion of 6%
   convertible notes                     -     5,114          -     5,114
                                    ------    ------     ------    ------
  Total                             90,100    95,271     89,639    94,753
                                    ======    ======     ======    ======

Per common share:
  Earnings before cumulative
   effect of change in
   accounting principles           $   .30       .30        .30       .30
  Cumulative effect of change
   in accounting principles           (.05)     (.05)         -         -
                                    ------    ------     ------    ------
  Net earnings                     $   .25       .25        .30       .30
                                    ======    ======     ======    ======

(a) Computation to arrive at the average number is a weighted average

                                                               EXHIBIT 12

                        HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
               Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges
                      Thirteen Weeks Ended March 27, 1994

                            (Thousands of Dollars)

Earnings available for fixed charges:
  Net earnings                                                   $22,435
    Cumulative effect of change
     in accounting principles                                      4,282
    Fixed charges                                                  8,674
    Income taxes                                                  16,726
      Total                                                      $52,117

Fixed Charges:
  Interest on long-term debt                                     $ 2,903
  Other interest charges                                           2,533
  Amortization of debt expense                                        97
  Rental expense representative
   of interest factor                                              3,141
      Total                                                      $ 8,674

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges                                  6.01